typically the tracks on this website polarize toward professional or amateur. This is no exception, rocketing toward the professional side of that scale.
typically the tracks on this website polarize toward professional or amateur. This is no exception, rocketing toward the professional side of that scale.
Ahh thanks so so much!
Holy shit this is headbang worthy!
This is prog as fuck
the mixing could be a tad better on the low end but other than that, this is awesome as shit
Thanks, bro! Yeah, I am still trying to get that low end to sit in the mix and make that shit the tightest sounding butthole you could hear. Appreciate the feedback. Glad you dug it!
beautiful and uplifting
Thank you sooooo much!!!
Oh wow, those chords punch you in the face.
Why am I out of breath? I didn't even do anything. Well done! :0
Hi! I'm M⅄YA (or just Maya). I use FL Studio to make epic electronic music >:3
Reach out! I check my PMs frequently!
University of Central Missouri
Joined on 7/12/18